Curated by Wunderkammern with Alan Jones’s contribution
Critical essay by Roberta Perfetti
In remembering the important event of the Berlin wall’s fall, Wunderkammern cultural association proposed the Berlino del Muro project.
With Wunderkammern in the artistic lead, Alan Jones’s contribution and Roberta Perfetti’s critical essay, as well as the guidance of the Goethe Institute and Comune of Rome and the support of the Polish Institute, the project aimed at promoting the need for free artistic creation as opposed to the idea of a wall as space for limitation and incommunicability.
The eight-days event proposed creative and performative interventions by international contemporary artists who showed works especially realized for the BERLINO DEL MURO exhibition, with the aim of critically engaging with the memory of the wall twenty years after its fall, through various art forms including performance, installations, sculpture and photography.
Two events opened and closed the activities, the first taking place during the exhibition opening on the 14th 2011 at the Wunderkammern gallery in the Torpignattara area, the second taking place on the 21st with a special performance at Piazza San Lorenzo in Lucina, in the hearth of Rome historical centre.