Welcome back Street art Lovers!
Today we want to help you to expand (or start) your collection of Street Art. What better way than to show you a special selection of works by one of our favorite artists, the young and talented 2501!
Jacopo Ceccarelli (2501) was born and trained in Milan, Italy, and began creating art at a very young age. Thanks to an experience in Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2501 comes into contact with the greatest street artists of his generation, such as Os Gemeos, and has the opportunity to learn and expand his artistic research. 2501 has exhibited in important institutions in different countries around the world.
We would like to present here a selection of 2501’s fundamental works:
1. Milano 74B II (2018)
This aluminum sculpture in a limited series of 4 is hand-engraved and recalls the importance the artist gives to the time and gesture related to the material execution of the work.

2. Glacial Landscape 2016 (I) (2016)
Large engraved aluminum plates that the artist has made in other versions. Experimenting with different languages, 2501 expands his research to sculpture and engraving, confirming himself as a multifaceted and eclectic artist.

3. Negative Space (II) (2016)
What is the space of the existence of the work? 2501 investigates the concept of space and the complementarity between positive and negative.
4. Don’t believe series (I) (2016)
Through a skillful use of ink, 2501 produces this large-scale piece on paper. Black and white are fundamental in the artist’s research, who builds his universe on this pair.

5. M.nero 02 (2015)
2501 introduces the use of gold foil in his work, which is blended with more traditional blacks and whites.

We hope we’ve intrigued you and if you want to learn more about 2501’s art or want more information, don’t hesitate to contact us☺️ See you soon!