Here’s something you might not know about Dan Witz 😉
Amnesty International in 2013 involved the artist in a campaign to raise awareness for political prisoners!
Dan Witz – Wailing Walls in Frankfurt
In collaboration with the advertising agency Leo Burnett, Dan Witz created his Wailing Walls. He placed 25 hyper-realistic installations in the streets of Frankfurt in which it was possible to glimpse prisoners through bars and grates.

Before Wailing Walls Dan Witz had already painted prisoners, but never real prisoners. For this project, eight prisoners from eight different countries were chosen, arrested and detained for their political views.
For each installation there was a sticker with a QR code that told the story of the prisoner and gave access to a website where everyone could leave a comment or a message of solidarity.
Dan Witz – political artist
The campaign that started in Frankfurt was then taken to London, Vienna and Los Angeles. The artist Dan Witz describes this experience as one of the best of his career: “The best synergy ever, probably because it was about something that went beyond me, beyond art”.

With a project of street art, Dan Witz and Amnesty International have succeeded in drawing attention to the plight of political prisoners and their demands for justice. A project of civil and political commitment.
➡️ Dan Witz, Pussy Riot. London Grate (2013), Fine Art Inkjet print on paper, 56 x 43 cm