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Our journey through the Street Art market continues!

Today we take a closer look at the prices of another of our artists, INVADER! Do you know the little monsters from the videogame Space Invaders? Well, if during a walk you come across them on the walls of the city, you know that Invader was there!

Paris in 1998 was the first city invaded by arcade Space Invaders characters and it was a success! Thanks to his innovative proposal, Invader soon started to exhibit in galleries and museums and already in 2000, we find his first works at auction.

But the turning point came in 2015, when his sales began to grow significantly, and so did his prices! The last few years are record-breaking: €3.1m in auction sales in 2019 and €3.4m in 2020!

Invader: artworks that break records

But which works are most appreciated by collectors? Obviously, his mosaics!

TK_119, a piece exhibited at the Musée en Herbe in Paris in the Hello my game is… exhibition, holds the record: it fetched over €900,000 at Sotheby’s in New York.

Invader, TK_119, mosaic, 104x132cm
sold at Sotheby’s New York, 15/11/2019

Works from the Rubikcubism period such as Rubik Space and Rubik Mona were also very successful! The technique is very special, Invader modelled many Rubik cubes and then combined them to create his subjects!

Invader, Rubik Mona Lisa (2005), assemblage, 136,5x93x7cm
sold at Artcurial, 23/02/2020

Collecting Invader

Invader continues to invade cities in every corner of the world. It has even developed an app that lets you collect points based on how many Invaders you find and photograph in the streets; a bit like a treasure hunt, or a videogame 😉

Invader not only makes collecting fun, but its solid, original artistic research and rapid growth in recent years make it a great investment!