Civitacampomarano, a small village in Molise with less than 400 inhabitants, is a must for Street Art lovers! Since 2016, Cvtà Street Fest has been held here, the festival conceived by street artist Alice Pasquini that every year brings Italian and international artists to work in the streets of Civitacampomarano. Street art and sharing help to keep this village alive!
Many of our artists have participated in Cvtà Street Fest, let’s discover their work together😊
Artist David de la Mano | Civitacampomarano
Artist David de la Mano took part in the first edition of the festival, painting his slender characters on the walls of the town. His major work occupies an entire façade at the entrance to the town and is entitled Exilio. With his characteristic use of the colour black, David de la Mano shows us figures of exiles who resemble migrants.

➡️ David de la Mano, Exilio (2016), Civitacampomarano – Molise
Artist 2501 | Civitacampomarano
In 2018, for the third edition of the festival, artist 2501 left his mark on this extraordinary medieval village. Inspired by a nest in the attic of the building, he created Dorge Shugden, a mural exploring the relationship between positive and negative, the heart of his research in recent years.

Artist MP5 | Civitacampomarano
The artist MP5 took part in the third edition of Cvtà Street Fest! The mural he created is entitled One Army and refers to the frequent geological disasters – landslides, for example – that Civitacampomarano faces. But its citizens are resisting and not giving up, they continue to rebuild and plan the future.

Artist Biancoshock | Civitacampomarano
The artist Biancoshock has returned twice to the Molise village, the first time in 2016, the second time in 2020.
His first intervention Web 0.0 consists of a series of installations that bring connection to Civitacampomarano. Biancoshock was struck by the absence of Internet in the village and wanted to ironically show how traditional meeting places perform the same functions as social networks.

Carrying out the second intervention was more complex because of the covid. The artist was unable to travel to Civitacampomarano but managed to design the work from a distance together with the citizens, who then made it physically. This time the starting point was the public service, a bus that continues to stop in the main square even though the bus stop has been cancelled. The community, together with the artist’s coordination, redesigned the bus shelter and created an emotional map of the city.

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