Welcome back to our Street Art Blog! Today we want to talk about one of the most important Italian artists at international level: Edoardo Tresoldi!
Edoardo Tresoldi: artist
Edoardo Tresoldi is the artist of Absent Matter. Wanting to talk about silence, absence and transparency, the artist has chosen to convey this non-message through the use of wire mesh. A strong and at the same time discreet material, capable of disappearing and becoming one with the surrounding space. Tresoldi’s are drawings in the landscape.
His study of transparency has led him to use this medium to best describe the dialogue between a figure and the surrounding space.
Thanks also to his relationship with archaeology and architecture, the artist sows magic by creating almost abstract works, which seem to be perceived rather than looked at.
Edoardo Tresoldi: works between matter and time
Edoardo Tresoldi has created many works that focus on the relationship between matter and time. The artist introduces a new phase in the life of architecture: after construction, eventual abandonment, ruin and deterioration of the material, comes metaphysical ruin. In this phase Tresoldi brings the spectator to the threshold between past and present, showing him what has been but is no longer.
Edoardo Tresoldi: Siponto
Edoardo Tresoldi collaborated with MiBACT for the restoration of the early Christian Basilica Santa Maria di Siponto. The artist proposed an innovative reinterpretation of archaeology with the support of contemporary art. Using the method of historical reconstruction, the artist started from the remaining monumental remains to erect his majestic sculpture, creating a possibility for the public to relate to history.

Edoardo Tresoldi: Simbiosi
Edoardo Tresoldi created Simbiosi, a permanent installation in the Arte Sella art park in Trentino. On this occasion the artist has wrapped the local stones of the park in his wire mesh, in his Materia Assente. For this work, the concept of archaeology is inverted: it is not the result of the deterioration of the material, but is born in the artist’s design. Tresoldi has created “a ruin suspended between architecture, nature and the temporal dimension“.
Edoardo Tresoldi: Aura
Edoardo Tresoldi‘s work, Aura, was created for Le Bon Marché Rive Gauche in Paris. It represents a reflection on the passage of time and the transformation of matter. The artist has created two practically identical domes, one with its characteristic wire mesh and the other made of corrugated sheet metal. One full and one empty, as if Tresoldi had illustrated the passage from one phase of the life of matter to another.

Edoardo Tresoldi is an artist in whom sculpture, architecture, design and philosophy come together.
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