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Invader attacks Rome!

We have already told you about the works of Invader and his “hacking” within the city. Today we want to talk about one of his “invasions” in Rome in 2010, where he scattered the capital with pixelated images.

In 2010 the first mosaics begin to appear. First 2, 3 in the historic centre then more and more, up to invade the whole city with “viruses”, that is the work always drawn from the Arcade Game Space Invaders. Once again, the artist plays on the relationship in the public space between visibility and anonymity, virtual space and physical space, all recreating a project between play and transformation of the city space.

From Trastevere to Monti, from Prati to Tor Marancia up to Torpignattara, Invader places his mosaics in unlikely (sometimes unreachable!) points marking them one by one on a simple map, similar to those available for tourists in hotels or outside the underground stations.

With this intervention, Invader realizes his 19th invasion map, as well as the 4th “Invasion Guide” after Paris, Los Angeles and London.

But the invasion continues! Who knows what other projects Invader still has for us (and for the cities!).