Good morning and welcome back to our Street Art blog😊
For you, urban art lovers, today we want to reveal the stories behind a selection of works that Solomostry, artist from the Milanese underground scene, exhibited at Wunderkammern Rome with his latest solo show Signum.
Solomostry: works on show
In all his works, Solomostry draws on the hallmark that distinguishes his entire artistic production: eyes of monsters that accompany the spectator from night to dawn; those same eyes that the artist has painted since the 2000s on the sets created in techno clubs in Milan. Solomostry, on the occasion of the Signum exhibition, presented a corpus of works in which he experimented with new techniques and investigated the theme of history and the sign left by people.
Are you curious? Let’s find out together!
Khmer vases
The Khmer vases are part of a series in which the street artist worked on vases from the 1900s purchased from an antique dealer. The vases are reproductions of Khmer Cambodian vases from 1200 BC on which Solomostry has engraved drawings and inscriptions in his iconic style. The inscriptions are reminiscent of cave writings, while the drawings are mostly the eyes that identify his imagery. The vases represent a praise to the sign left by our ancestors revised in a modern key.

The foils are a unique series created in 2022. For the production of each work, Solomostry used aluminium foils for rotary printing of newspapers dating back to 2012. He then mounted them on a wooden frame and finished them with a monotype screen print. The peculiarity of the work is the presence, still legible, of the inscriptions of the newspaper pages published at that time: it is possible to glimpse headlines written in block letters, news facts and events of the day. Through these ‘signs’, the foils tell the story of our past and document time and everyday historical events in a precise and immediate way.

Crossed Blu and Crossed Red
Crossed Blu and Crossed Red are two works that show the evolution of Solomostry‘s art. In the beginning, the two canvases were part of a diptych featuring numerous images and figures typical of the artist’s repertoire. In 2022, Solomostry decided to cover them with metallic paint and create two new works with less gloomy tones (black dominated in the previous ones, red and blue in these) and whose marks evoke cave paintings.

➡️ Solomostry, Crossed Red (2022), Spray, ink and metallic varnish on jute canvas, 150,5 x 180 cm
Did you already know Solomostry’s works? We look forward to seeing you at Wunderkammern Rome and Wunderkammern Milan to see them in person!